
Why You Need a New Breakfast!

Breakfast Ideas

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Sauteed onion, peppers & turkey with hot sauce

Cabbage spread with paleo mayo, garlic, broiled & topped with a fried egg

Ground organic sausage with zucchini and leeks

Chocolate Avocado pudding with berries

Coconut milk kefir with nuts and berries

Breakfast paleo porridge

Kimchi with fried egg & hot sauce (a fav of mine!)

Avocado mashed on sausage patty or rice tortilla with sea salt

Omelette with lots of veggies

Warm full fat coconut milk with cinnamon & vanilla

pan-fried plantains with almond butter & cinnamon

Leftover Stew

Leftover dinner from night before

Cup of bone broth with hard boiled egg

Golden milk blended with MCT oil or protein powder

Baked Plantains with ground bison

Avocado mashed with pan-fried plantains

Apple with 2 tbsp almond butter

Green smoothies: lettuce, avocado, 1/2 pear, vanilla protein, almond milk

Handful of olives with hard boiled egg

... more recipes available in the Meal Plans & Detox program!