
Holiday Health Strategies to Survive the Season

4 Holiday Health Strategies

Okay, so technically there may be more than 4 strategies that I am giving you here, but I am simplifying it a bit for you 😉 

This season gets crazy for everyone. Just this week alone I have 5 events planned in just 4 days, and of course, that is on top of work and everyday obligations as well! But what you must remember is that taking care of yourself and making your health a priority will help these holidays be even more enjoyable, because you will feel good enough to spend that time socializing and have the energy to get everything done.

The last thing you need right now is to come down with a cold and to really put a damper on your season! 

So here are my easy, realistic strategies you can implement to make it through now only the holidays, but all the busy times of the year!


1) MOVE!

You must remember to keep some exercise and movement in your day. It is easy when the weather gets nasty outside to just curl up on the couch and watch those Christmas movies, but exercise is not only good for your body but good for your mind as well.

Movement supports your immune system, it helps it filter out the junk that can make you sick, it keeps your muscles and bones strong against the injuries of winter and slipping on ice, and it supports healthy digestion, which we know is critical to health. Exercise is also proven to be the most effective way to boost your mood and prevent depression. The holidays can be a sad time as well for many, remembering those who passed, maybe not being able to visit your family, exercise can help keep those happy chemicals circulating in your brain and ward off falling into funk.

And there is always a way to incorporate exercise, find something you enjoy. Go to the gym, lift weights, take a spin class, take a dance class or just dance in your kitchen! Sign up for a new yoga class, or karate, try boxing, or simply find a at-home workout video on youtube and carve out 30 minutes to follow along. You have so many options, but picking one and being consistent is key.

2) Eat before a party

You never want to show up to a party starving. The majority of the time you will be choosing from items not too healthy and when your blood sugar crashes you automatically wanna go for the sweets and goodies. Most of the time these "treats" are really not even that good! Be picky about what you want to indulge in, if it tastes like heaven, have some and enjoy it. If it is only so-so then why even eat it if you know you won't feel the best afterwards?

Have at least a snack before you head out. Make it a nutrient dense one, such as a salad, roasted veggies, or even a green smoothie. Give your body fuel to show up to the party feeling fabulous and ready to focus on your friends, not just hovering over the snack table.  

And DO NOT think you can starve yourself all day to "save up" for the calories and foods you will consume later in the evening. This is a recipe for disaster. Not only will you just be so hungry that you will likely over eat, you also will feel crappy throughout the day with the crashes in blood sugar, and you are messing with your hormonal system, which can result in a metabolism that wants to hold onto to the fat, send you incorrect hunger signals, and can cause you to feel cruddy the next day as well.  So eat responsibly throughout the day and consume in moderation at the party.

Also remember that alcohol plays a part in this as well. Having a meal before you head to the party means you will better handle your alcohol and hopefully not end up doing the worm in the middle of someone's living room (unless you would do that sober as well then go for it 😉 Not only can too much alcohol allow you to make questionable decisions, it is also very irritating to your gut and digestive system. If you have been trying to heal your gut or overcome health issues, a night of binge drinking can really back track your progress.


3) Listen to what your body is telling you

It is easy with all the chaos happening around you to forget what is happening right where you are, inside your body! Make sure you take the time every day to reconnect with your body and listen to what it may be telling you.

Are you needing a little extra rest? Do you need some alone time to recharge? Do you need more movement? Do you think a cold may be coming on?

Be gentle on yourself and remember that taking the time you need for yourself, for your health is only going to give you the ability to give the love, energy and attention to others that they deserve.

Did you eat something that isn't sitting well with you? If symptoms like headaches, tummy aches, acne, or even a painful period comes up, you may be ingesting something or doing something new that your body is not liking. It can take 2-3 days after consuming a food to see negative side effects from it. If you start to notice symptoms emerging or worsening, connect with your body and try to see where they may be coming from. Ignoring it will only get worse!

4) Practice patience, flexibility and gratitude

And of course remember that others are experiencing stress and hard times as well. Have patience with those around you and with yourself. You may not be able to complete that To-do list right away and that is just fine.

Practice flexibility. Plans will change, traveling may not go as you thought, obstacles are bound to come up. Try to be flexible with your expectations and actions to keep yourself calm and your stress levels down.

And the best way to have patience and flexibility is to remember to have gratitude. Being thankful is healthy for your mind but is also so important to the health of your body. Remember what this season is about, the love you share, the blessings you have. Be thankful for all you have been given and the amazing body you have and you are sure to have a healthy and happy holiday!