As we have just turned the corner from the Summer Solstice, my garden is thriving and loving this summer time sun. I am especially excited that so many of my herbs are doing well, I seem to have trouble keeping them going long-term. One that I have never had trouble with however is my Oregano bush! It happily lives year around, producing strongly aromatic leaves in the summer.
It grows faster than we can keep up with and I end up with more than I could ever cook with. So I took the extra leaves and tried my hand at making an Oregano Tincture.
In the Fall and Winter seasons when I start to feel the verge of illness coming on, I immediately grab a bottle of Oregano oil. The healing powers of this herb have been used for thousands of years, as it is a potent anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungi, anti-inflammatory, and anti-any other yuckiness.
I will give fair warning though, this stuff is NOT pleasant to take, I recommend 1-2 droppers full in a small shot glass of water and just shooting it down without thinking :/ You may want a proper chaser in place as well.
But, the benefits are well worth the trouble getting it down. Here are just a few conditions that Oregano has been used for:
- Immune system support: Oregano is high in anti-oxidants, one of the highest ratings actually, especially of one specific compound called rosmarinic acid. A small amount of extract may be a better source of anti-oxidantws than all of the berries and superfoods you are currently consuming. (Don't stop eating those though)
- Anti-inflammatory support: Oregano contains a compound shown to inhibit inflammation and reduce pain and swelling. This may be helpful for acute inflammatory responses such as injury, but especially beneficial for those suffering from chronic, systemic inflammation such as in inflammatory bowel conditions, arteriosclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
- Respiratory support: Because of it's anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, studies have also shown Oregano to be effective in preventing and treating respiratory infections. In one study, the volatile oils of Oregano were shown to inhibit the growth of bacteria, especially two common to causing respiratory infections, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus.
- Fighting Parasitic infections: Oregano has been successfully used to fight parasitic infections. In one study, It was shown to be even more effective in eliminating a common infection, Giardia, than even a common drug used, tinidazole.
- Digestive support: Oregano can be preventative in contracting food-borne illnesses as well as help soothe the stomach and stimulate digestive juices and bile. Because of it's anti-bacteria properties it also has been shown to help fight the common stomach infection H. Pylori
- Other uses it has been shown to help with are skin rashes, fungus infections, UTIs's, detox from illness by stimulating sweating, and may also help with weight loss!
Oregano Tincture
Tinctures are wonderful when you have fresh leaves available, and especially if you are dealing with something that has a strong-not-so-pleasant flavor because only a small amount is needed to get an effective dose.
For adults, I recommend taking 1-2 droppers full of extract daily or up to 3 times a day when dealing with an acute illness or infection. Remember however, this is potent, start with a smaller dosage to see how it effects you before increasing.
- Clean leaves of any dirt and remove from stem
- Gently chop and fill small bottle
- Fill with 80-100 proof alcohol of choice to cover leaves, I used Vodka, many traditionally use Brandy. (Roughly one ounce leaves to one ounce alcohol)
- Cap tightly and place in dark cabinet
- Top off with alcohol the next day to re-cover leaves if necessary, may need to re-check again in a few days.
- Allow to infuse for 6 weeks or more. Strain and poor into glass dropper bottle when ready.